Friday 12 October 2012


Awk jodoh itu rαhsiα ALLAH . .
SEKUAT mnα αwk SETIA . .
Jikα ALLAH Tidαk Menulis Jodoh Kitα Bersαmα..
Kitα Tetαp Tidαk Akαn Bersαmα...

`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`
`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ Hujan Yang Lebat ...ヽ`、`、ヽ、ヽ
`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、
`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`Membuatkanku Bertambah Syukur...、、ヽ`、
`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`、、ヽ`、ヽ
`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`、Kerna...、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`、
`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`、、ヽ、`、、ヽ、ヽ ヽAku Ade Tempat utk Berlindung Dari Kesejukan...`、、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``、、、`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽヽ 、ヽ `、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、`、、ヽ`、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``、、`、、ヽ`、ヽ `、ヽ`、
ヽSedang Ramai Orang Lain Diluar Sana Tiada Rumah...、ヽ
``、、`、、ヽ`、`、、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ` 、ヽ`、ヽ```、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ`
、`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ`、ヽ ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`
、ヽ`、ヽ`、`、、 ヽヽ、ヽ (“.)`、`、、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ
ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ``/█\.ヽ 、ヽ`、ヽ、ヽ`、ヽ 、ヽ`
ヽ`、ヽ`、`、、 ヽヽ、ヽ`_||_`、、|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ |`、

Lembut wanita kerana senyumannya,
cekal wanita kerana keberaniaannya,
patuh wanita kerana kesetiaannya,
sabar wanita kerana imannya,
kasih wanita kerana belaiaanya,
lemah wanita kerana air matanya,
ikhlas wanita kerana simpatinya,
pendam wanita kerana cemburunya,
sayang wanita kerana sikap keibuannya,
Tanpa wanita lelaki menjadi lemah,
kerana wanita juga lelaki kalah (♥)

Friday 5 October 2012

Anna Graceman - Crazy world

hey today i wanna show something tht i love ...i wnt to show anna graceman she is my idol i love her her very much...i wnt to met her..this cute little girl (she's older thn me haha...) have a lovely voice... please hear this song i think u will in love with this girl <3....

Check it out... <---click this
Do u have a twitter? <--view this

Monday 17 September 2012

Koleksi Gambar Danbo


hai korg ade yg minat pd gmbr2 danbokn? arini sarah nk kongsikan gambar danbo untuk pembace2 setia blog sarah...

Danbo Couple

Danbo Girl

ok itu saje pd ari ni hrp peminat2 danbo suke ape yg srh post ari ni

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Taylor Swift-you belong with me

ok hai every body haha... cant wait to taip something on this blog hurmm... do u know the famouse composer music like Taylor Swift  because of her voice is amazing do u agree with wht the composer said? leave some comment okay? :) Taylor Swift is my idol i agree with wht the composer said because Taylor Swift was amazing for me.Her voice has lots of kind voice is tht amazing??? i love Taylor Swift ok i want to discussed with my friend because me n my friend wnt to make a story about our geng our geng name is Big Apple ok wait 4 another episode the story is in Bahasa Melayu we wnt 2 make a good story 4 u all i hope u all love our story n in the end i wanna said good bye! n assalamualaikum 4 the muslims...bubye... enjoy the song... ur belong with me...

Check it out....


Saturday 21 July 2012


MYSPACE : Kami musuh anda wahai Facebook!
TWITTER : Takpe Facebook, aku back-up kau..
GOOGLE : DIAMMM!! Aku ada semuanya.
MOZILA : Eh, tanpa aku, korang tidak boleh diakses.
IE : Wei Mozilla, sendrik mau ingat ha…gua kan ada..!
MOZILA : Lu pehal? Kacau line orang jer!
IE : Lu dulu la mamat, mengaku lu sorang jer boleh akses pada diaorang tadi!!
INTERNET : Sudah!!! … jangan gaduh-gaduh ! Kalau aku takde, korang lagi la takde..! Power tak aku?
FACEBOOK : Hmmm, akulah yang paling ramai di kunjungi. Jadi gua yang terbaekkkkk..!!!
YAHOO : Facebook, jangan riyak. Kalau aku takde, mana boleh buat email!
GOOGLE : Yahoo, Gua kan boleh buat email gak!
MAXIS, CELCOM, TMNET : (serentak) Ehem! Lu org ingat kami ni kayu?
TNB : Diamlah korang, nanti aku matikan elektrik.. baru korang tau siapa paling power
buahahaha xD

ku menunggu-Rossa

okay this song is from indonesia this song make me wanna cry haha... :'( im always post english song today im wanna post indonesia song i hope you understand,because this song is full with beautiful lyrics the melody is very beautiful i like this song everynight i will hear this song before i go to sleep.But not everynight i will hear it if i wanna hear haha okay:) enjoy!!

check it out...

Saturday 7 July 2012

Party in the USA

hey guys this song is fun and i like do you dream about USA and hear this song USA im comming haha i think u all must be dreaming about USA my friend want me to follow her to london but my mum worried about me and bye2 london yeah! ROCK the USA with Miley Cirus song Party In The USA enjoy!!!!

Check it out....  

Sunday 24 June 2012


ok today im wanna share a song that make you wanna cry do you know one of the one direction cried cause hear this song his name is niall with a yellow hear when i hear this song im feel it with my heart im wanna cry to so hear it and feel it ok bye...

Thursday 17 May 2012

im in megazine

ok guys im forgot to tell u that im in megazine this megazine name is bintang kecil this 1 May 2012 dont forgot to buy it i cant wait to be cover this megazine i hope i got a chance to be bintang kecil cover

Everything about you & Up all night

hey guys today i wanna show 2 kind of song i always make one song and today i make double song please hear it ok and thanks because hear all my song that i post i wanna thank you very much to my member thanks

Saturday 5 May 2012

forever young

ok hari ni sarah nk kongsikn lagu forever young (selamanya muda) kalo translate jadi pelik plk malamni sarah nk pergi tengok wayang citer avenger tk sabarny!!! kiteorang semue kongsi duit yg paling banyak bagi duit adik sedare sarah Arif Shahrudin die habiskn semue duit die nk tengok wayang baikkn die???? cube tengok gmbr kt atas tu sarah bersedie nk tengk wayang lh ni haha... bukn malam ni sekarang tapi sarah tengk midnigth lh pukul 11:00PM tapi dh siap sedie dh ni hahaha!! sediakn payung sebelum hujan ok lah bye!!!

Friday 4 May 2012

sorry tajuk X

ok sorry mesti korang tktau ape name blog ni sbb mase tu srh edit pastu sarah terus exit lupe bk cek blog macam mane sorry

Thursday 26 April 2012

I should kiss you

lagu hari ni yg sarah akan kongsi lagu kt atas ishould kiss u sarah memang dh lame nk bagi tapi sarah lupe lagu ni kegemaran sarah "ish asyik kegemaran je vas hapenin?" sebenarnye sarah suke 1D semue lagu 1D sarah suke hehehe jangn marah ok nikmatilah lagu sarah ni ok enjoy!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

1D birthday

ok semu dh tunggukn harijadi diorang ok sarah akn bagi tahu
1.Liam James Payne->29 August 1993
2.Harry Edward Styles ->1 February 1994
3.Zayn Javadd Malik->12 January 1993
4.Niall James Horan->13 September1993
5.Louis William Tomlinson->24 Disember 1991
ok tu je sarah tahu pada semue peminat 1D information semue ade kt sini ok bacelah

Tuesday 24 April 2012

one thing 1D

lagu nipaling sarah suke mestilah 1D kn hahaha! ok semoge terhibur bye!!!!

Sunday 22 April 2012

I just polished my nail!

I just polished my nail in pink cute right you all gonna try too haha! this just for fun!

Saturday 21 April 2012

i love this song

ok hari ni sarah nk kongsi lagu vazquez lagi lagu ni untuk korang dengar ok sebab ni favaurite sarah tajuk lagu ni (I Want You Back) bestkan dengr lh lagu ni enjoy!!!!!!

the show by vazquez

hai korang nmpak ade perubahan tk kt blog srh cket je sarah tukar lawa tk ish lmbt btul kluar majalah bulan depan huh....malam ni srh nk gi the mine dngn papa eee.. tk sabarnye kt situ dhlh best !ok hari ni lagu yang sarah nk kongsi ni lagu the show kt atas ni budak ni sebenarnye org maxico die pandai menyanyi yg belakang die tu abg2 die best btul kalo adik-beradik pandai dalam bidang cam kitekn ok lh enjoy the song!!!

Monday 16 April 2012

Im in love with 1D

hey3 sape tk knal one direction atau di pendekkan 1D eee... hensemnye korang biase dengr lagu what makes you beautiful tk? tu lagu diorang bestkn??? haha korang mesti suke punye yg tk pernah dengar tulis lh kt youtube what makes you beautiful one direction best!!! terbaik lah! yg tk tau tu dengar eh? ni ahli kumpulan diorang
1)Liam Payne (my favaurite)
2)Harry Styles
3)Louis Tomlinson
4)Niall Horran
5)Zayn Malik(islam tau tapi die tk belajar yg die tahu islam tk makn babi tu je)
Ok ini je yg sarah tahu kalo nk tahu tarikh lahir nnti srh bagi tahu ok???

Yes! sarah lulus!

hai sorry dh lame srh tk buka blog alhamdulillah sekian lame srh menunggu akhirnya srh dpt jugk member thank you semua im very happy cause i just got a call from BK (bintang kecil) sarah lulus test shot tu tapi bukan jadi cover megazine tapi sarah masuk ruangn die best jugak mule2 malu tangkap gambar banyak kali dh tk malu dah jadi seronok plk kawan2 pon yg suke bace bk boleh lah pergi ok sebenarnye bende ni dh lame sorry ok tapi sarah memang ikhlas nk bagi tahu majalah ni akan keluar bulan Mei ni oh lupe nk cakap sarah masuk ruangan ini lah gayaku, inilah gayaku ni die kena memperagakan baju sendiri juru make up die peramah btul oh ok lah nk cerite ni mase nk shooting tu ade seorang budak ni srh nmpak die kt karangkraf die sombong btullah mase tu srh pergi karangkraf dengan mak sedare die ckp eee... sombongnye bdk ni dkt srh mak die pon same sarah tk nk mengumpat ddie ke ape ni mak sedare sarah yg cakap tapi sarah tk kesah memang srh pandang die sarah senyum je tk de respon pon tapi sarah tk mengharapkn balasan pon mase tu sarah dh tukr baju nk tukar kasut ade mak cik ni sebelah sarah,sarah senyum kt die die pon ckp ish comelnye bdk ni pas tu ade group bk yg uruskn sarah ni namenye sis CK dietanye kt sarah name sape sarah diam seketika sbb sarah malu mak sedare sarah pon ckp jawab lh sarah sarah pon jawab Sarah Izana ok pengajarannya ialah: kite jangn lh smbong dn sentiasalah senyum kerane senyum itu sedekah dn kite haruslah menyenangkn hati mereka supaya mereka tidk sakit hati

Thursday 2 February 2012

heh! nape selongkar dompet orang??!!!

nk dengar citer srh tk? tk nk tkpe ni srh nk citerkn pasal si bdk lelaki bername Zulhilmi ee......... geram btul srh mase die selongkar dompet srh citer die cam ni mule2 sarh nk gi tnds srh suruh lh kwn srh fatini suruh jage dompet srh lepas srh dh gi tandas fatini pon bagi tahu yg si Zulhilmi ni selongkar dompet srh lepas tu srh marah lh die nape selongkr beg srh die tengok gambar srh srh tk pakai tudung kalau kt sekolah srh pakai lh pastu die pon ckp mestilah kau kan cantik kemudian terus srh balik kt tempat duduk srh pas tu kebesoknnye ade ke srh pergi bgi tau kwn srh pas tu die pon bagi tau fatimah fatimah ni bdk paling pandai sngt selalu dpt nombor1 pas tu die sebarkn kt semue org eee.... die ni memang tk pandai jage rahsia org err... 

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Saturday 28 January 2012

Let's read

Test Shot!

Uhh.. penat btul pergi test shot bintang kecil tadi harap2 srh terpilih srh nk cube jadi cover BK tapi srh tk tau lulus ke tk tapi harp2 terpilih lh.Srh memang nk cube bende yg baru ini lh peluang srh untuk jadi cover BK srh nk berharap kawan,kakak dan semuanye doakn srh lulus ok  bye!

Friday 6 January 2012


2012 already tk percaye lh srh bermula lh cabaran sarh untk kali ni nk belajar pndai2 pas tu nk masuk sekolah Tunku Kurshiah cm kk frh atau MRSM hihihi! bestnye oops... srh terlebih lh plk hehe..